Mary Brown’s Famous Chicken and Taters

In This Menu

Address, Contact and Accessibility for Mary Brown’s Famous Chicken and Taters

Head Office

Address: 250 Shields Court, Unit 7
Markham, ON

L3R 9W7
Phone: (905) 513-0044

Accessibility: n/a

Background for Mary Brown’s Famous Chicken and Taters

“Who is Mary Brown? Is she a real person?”

We hear that a lot. So right here, right now, the mystery is solved. Mary Brown is 100% real. In fact, she was a lovely lady from Virginia, USA – a lady with an incredible recipe for southern fried chicken. After serving it to her family for years, her husband decided that the rest of the world deserved to eat as well as he did. He met with two wise gents from Newfoundland, Canada, who immediately fell in love with Mary’s chicken (and likely Mary too, but that’s another story). They bought the recipe, made their way back to Canada and started a chicken revolution. (Dramatic yes, but we take our chicken very seriously.)

Originally named Golden Skillet, the restaurant was re-named Mary Brown’s in the 1970s in honour of the woman behind the recipe.

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